AEON: Sar Phyu Su School Opening Ceremony in Taikkyi

On the 29th March 2017 the AEON project, funded and supported by AEON 1% Club Foundation and ADRA Japan, held an opening ceremony for a recently constructed basic education primary school in Chauk Ein Tan Village, Taikkyi Township, Yangon Division.

The school along with a toilet and WASH facilities cost 54,310,000 MMK to construct. Desks, chairs, cabinets and whiteboards were also provided costing 9,020,000 MMK.

Sar Hypu Su school will service 183 students in the surrounding areas with 7 trained teachers on board to deliver quality education services.

Mr Masaki Yasumatsu, a top dignitary from the Japanese Embassy in Yangon and Chairman Mr Hiroshi Yokoo from AEON 1% Club Foundation were in attendance as well as ADRA Myanmar’s Country Director Claudio Sandoval, Associate Finance Director Saya Perry Sein and AEON project team staff.

The AEON project, based in Yangon and Kayin, aims to continue to provide support in education through constructing 21 primary schools and facilitating capacity building activities for local teachers.

*Reported By: Satoshi Matsukawa, AEON Project Manager

Written By: Emma McCrow, Communications Officer

Photo: © 2017 ADRA Myanmar | Claudio Sandoval