The intermittent rain in the Hlaingbwe Township and surrounding areas has lasted for about 4 days, from Friday (26/07/2013) mid-afternoon until Monday evening (29/07/2013). Last Sunday (28/07/2013), an estimative of 17 inches of rain (per day) had been reported.

State Minister informed us that according to this afternoon assessment (12:00 p.m.) five townships were in critically flooded areas. Many people from Kyar In Seik Gyip are in the camp already due to the floods. In Hpa-An Township estimated 1840 people were already affected by the flooding (although not utilizing the camps). In Hlaingbwe township complete information about the situation is missing due to the roadblocks and water level. Maywaddy is also badly affected by the flood and many people are already seeking refuge in the camp. In Kaw Ka Yeik Township, some families are also affected by flood.
ADRA Myanmar team from Hpa-An is seeking information on the kind of support needed. The reply from the State Minister to ADRA is that the immediate needs are food supply and medicine assistance. ADRA Myanmar staff has also donated noodles for displaced families in the Monastery Shwe Yin Myaw. Also, life vests (from one of the projects) had been donated to the Hlaingbwe hospital due to the critical situation in the area.