'Support for Education 2 Learn'
The CASE2Learn project, an extension of the CASE+ project (pilot), aims to; improve and expand access to Indigenous education services, improve school quality standards and basic education services, support schools to have effective leadership and management, Indigenous teachers are equipped with basic teaching competencies to support student learning, relevant programs are in place to support out of school children/youth/illiterate women, and parents and communities are actively engaged in school based activities.
Activities include; capacity development of Indigenous Education providers, distribute teacher stipends, train school leaders/school management on quality standards, distribute teaching and learning resources, conduct DRR and hazard mapping events, conduct awareness raising events with communities on WASH, support TPC/TTC’s in preservice TT provision, conduct summer vacation in-service teacher training, establish peer learning opportunities, conduct MTT school visits, provide IE training and NFE training to teachers, conduct education sensitisation events, produce literacy and numeracy IEC curriculums, train MTTs, provide library resources for reading clubs, and undertake research on key education reform issues.
Direct Beneficiaries
Million USD Budget
Months Duration
partners & donors