SCAIDP: Desludging Story
See how desludging activities have improved hygiene and sanitation practices in IDP camps in Kachin State through the former Global Affairs Canada and ADRA Canada funded SCAIDP project in partnership with KBC.
SCAIDP: U Yaw Han's Story
Having been through the unimaginable due to conflict, U Yaw Han suffered injuries from a shell bomb blast that left he and his son disabled becoming IDPs. But through the SCAIDP project, ADRA has been supporting IDPs with cash assistance and WASH.
EMBRACE: Zar Zar Naing's Story
Mother to three daughters and pregnant with her fourth, Zar Zar Naing didn’t know the risks related to pregnancy. Learn how ADRA is supporting pregnant mothers to boost nutrition and maternal health care through the EMBRACE project in Kayin State.
35th Anniversary
In celebration of 35 years of service since 1984, ADRA Myanmar reflects and commits to continue working with the people of Myanmar for the future.
PRICE: Daw Nuing Kyi's Story
Daw Nuing Kyi is a female headed household living in Chin State. Through trainings in weaving in the PRICE project, Daw Nuing Kyi has been able to become financially independent.
PRICE: Daw Ngun Cawi's Story
Since her husband passed, life has not been easy. Thanks to funds from her Savings and Loans Group through the PRICE project, Daw Ngun Cawi is now able to support her family.
SEAQE: ToT Training
Training of Teachers is an activity in the SEAQE project where trainers of short courses at GTHS Hpaan, travel to Thailand for training to improve education standards in their classrooms.
SEAQE: Naw Paw Wah's Dream
When Naw Paw Wah was a little girl, she was not able to go to school. One day her mother heard of a vocational program accepting those with special needs and her dream came true.
EMBRACE: Man Kyaw Thar
After attending an ADRA training seminar on parenting skills, Man Kyaw Thar learned that there were many things that he could do to become a better father.
EMBRACE: Birthing Clinics
The EMBRACE project is changing the way women think to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery. One way is through building and equipping birthing clinics in rural communities.
MFAP: Flood Response
The effects of Cyclone Komen left thousands of people homeless with houses buried in mud and agricultural land destroyed. Learn how ADRA responded in Kalay, one of the hardest hit areas.
PRICE: Re Bik Thang's Story
Re Bik Thang lives with his wife and 7 children in the remote Chin hills. Along with other villagers, Re Bik Thang learnt how to raise Mythun Cows through the PRICE project.
SGRIP: Thein Paing's Story
Myanmar’s central dryzone is on the brink of desertification causing food insecurity and deepening poverty. Through the SGRIP project, farmers like Thein Paing are being supported.