40 year old widow, Daw Hla Hla Win living with her 2 sons and daughters within the village of Hnaw Nyaung Pyin located 30 minutes drive by motorbike from Kalaymyo, are just one of several thousands of families affected by the Cyclone Komen produced flooding in 2015.

Amongst 315 households in Daw Hla Hla Win’s village alone, the majority of residents are farmers who often lack an education and minimal job opportunities.
In reflection of the severe flooding events of 2015, Daw Hla Hla Win stated, “I have never encountered this kind of flooding in my life and I hope that it will be the last as as a widow, I dare not face it again”. Daw Hla Hla Win went on to say, “we had to leave our house and run, staying in the monastery and surviving by the food and drink donated by others for 3 months. Myself and my village are very thankful to all ADRA Myanmar’s donations and care”.

In addition to receiving food and clean water as well as toilets, local villagers were supplied by the ADRA Myanmar MFR (Myanmar Flood Response) Project with hygiene promotion training to educate of the dangers caused to drinking water sources and food supplies when a significant flood event occurs in the prevention and spread of potential disease and infection. When asked her feelings towards receiving the training, Daw Hla Hla Win stated, “we were happy to receive a new toilet which we can use right away, but more importantly is the knowledge gained for healthy living which can prevent us from unnecessary sickness, it’s value is for a lifetime”.
*Reported By: MFR Project Team
Written By: Emma McCrow, Communications Officer
Photo: © 2016 ADRA Myanmar