NORAD Civil Development Advisors, Ashild and Tove, recently conducted a monitoring trip in Myanmar’s SouthEastern Kayin State from May 14-16 2017. The monitoring visit focused on the NORAD and ADRA Norway funded SEAQE projects TVET program implemented in Hpa-an to observe any challenges and assess opportunities for the future.

Ashild and Tove first met with KNU Liaison Officer, Shee Sho along with ADRA Myanmar’s Programs Director Derek Glass and SEAQE Project Director William Po to discuss the local communities perspective and needs regarding the TVET program. After visiting the TVET program at GTHS, NORAD met with GTHS’s Principal to learn more about the long and short courses on offer and observe classrooms in action at 7 locations to interview students.

Lastly NORAD members visited ADRA Myanmar’s sub office in Hpaan to meet the SEAQE/TVET project team and discuss collaboration between project and country office as well as the autonomy of project implementation. On returning to Yangon, Ashild and Tove were able to meet with a past graduate of the program who had undertaken short courses in Basic and Advance sewing utilising her skills to establish her own small business.

The SEAQE projects TVET program has led the way in vocational training within the region providing courses that are relevant and enable students to set up small business’s or work in larger companies as skilled individuals improving the economic status of the area.
*Reported By: Saw William Po, SEAQE Project Director
Written By: Emma McCrow, Communications Officer
Photo: © 2017 ADRA Myanmar | Naw Mu Mu Saw