Graduation ceremonies were held for GTHS (Government Technical High School) teachers who underwent ToT training (Training of Teachers), an activity of ADRA Myanmar’s SEAQE-TVET project in Thailand last week on the 28 May 2018.

9 teachers from GTHS Hpa-An participated in the training at 3 colleges in Maesot and Tak, Thailand. 4 teachers attended training at Maesod Technical College in House Wiring (air conditioner repair and installation) and computer, 3 teachers at Tak Technical College in arc welding and 2 teachers at Tak Agriculture and Technical College in Agriculture Mechanic.

The training, led by the 3 colleges and their senior trainers, is designed to build the capacity of GTHS Hpa-An teachers in Myanmar to enrich their teaching skills and further their knowledge within their chosen teaching field.

The training was held over 3 weeks from May 9 – 28 2018. The project activity received approval from DTVET and OVEC in Thailand in order to conduct the training following a collaboration of the 4 technical colleges in Myanmar and Thailand and facilitated by ADRA Myanmar and ADRA Thailand.

Additionally, the purpose of this activity is to build the collaboration between Myanmar and Thailand in regards to vocational education in supporting youth to become skilled in practical subjects in order to improve employment rates and income generation.
This concludes the last of 4 ToT training sessions in Thailand for GTHS Hpa-An teachers over the course of the 5 year program in SEAQE-TVET. The SEAQE-TVET project will close in October this year with plans currently underway for implementing phase II with donor NORAD and ADRA Norway.
Written By: Emma McCrow, Communications Officer
Photo: © 2018 ADRA Myanmar | Emma McCrow