On the 12-14th September 2016, ADRA Myanmar hosted a TVET Symposium funded and supported by ADRA Norway, Caritas Norge, Digni, Stromme Foundation, DTVE, NORAD, ACTED, Finnish Refugee Council and Swiss Contact.

The event took place in Summit Parkview Hotel in Yangon, Myanmar over 3 days where over 120 representatives from various organisations, business’s and companies participated in discussing and presenting issues surrounding vocational education and training.

Key topics discussed during the Partnership Seminar (12-13th September) and the Symposium (14th September) included; an introduction to the faith based education network, Norwegian priorities in development and funding opportunities in TVET, brief on the Stromme Foundation’s program in Myanmar, an overview on the contextual understanding of Myanmar in relation to vulnerable and marginalised groups/vocational education and job creation, broad strokes on private sectors, challenges faced/different models and best practices in TVET, business needs in the form of TVET from Brighter Lite expanding to incremental training aligned with job opportunities, proximity design, value chain, reaching the hard to reach with TVET programming, ADRA Myanmar TVET model starting from camps in Thailand, Vocational Institute in Nepal and linkage to business’s for sustainability, how to renew TVET/mobile units/entrepreneur programs, strategic goals for TVET in Myanmar, brief on NSSA ‘National Skill Standards Authority’ in Myanmar and current implementations, model of working with GTHS and how to change community perspectives towards TVET, cross border experiences and promoting accessibility for person with disabilities.

In addition, panel discussions with key representative speakers were conducted on the topics of joint analysis of employment opportunities and labour markets as well as internships, practical placements and employability in TVET.

Organisations, companies, and business’s represented included; Digni, Caritas Norge, Stromme Foundation, DTVE, Norad, ACTED Thailand, Finnish Refugee Council, Swiss Contact, ADRA Norway, ADRA Thailand, ADRA Asia Regional office, NSSA, AAR Japan, OVEC, KSD, GTHS, GTI, MoLIP, Himal Partner, Brighter Lite, Pyo Pin, H&M, Canadian Embassy, Norwegian Embassy, KRC, LIFT, JICA, World Vision Myanmar, IECD, NRC, UMFCCI, Wanna Welding, ADB, Pyit Sone Fashion Shop, DTPC-TVET, Social Welfare, Labour Exchange, PCDP, CVT, Wycliffe, GIZ, BAJ, Swiss Embassy, Takeofflearning, 5PLUS, KMSS, Center for International Vocational Education College, Kanchanaburi Polytechnic College, Samutsangkram Technical College, Ratchaburi Polytechnic College, Kanchanapisek Mahanakon Technical College, Don Boso Vocational Training Centre, Evangelical Social Action Forum India, Mission Alliance Cambodia, Thanlyin Technical University, Professor Oslo and Arkershus University College of Applied Science, and Genesis of Community Transformation.
3 site visits were organised for interested participants to NSSA ‘National Skill Standards Authority’, AAR Yangon, a Japanese NGO funded project on working with people with disabilities, and SMVTI ‘Singapore-Myanmar Vocational Training Institute’ that deals directly in TVET.

During the Symposium, reporters from 5PLUS news, a local TV network in Yangon, interviewed ADRA Myanmar’s Programs Director, Derek Glass and HR Manager, Lalfakmawia to discuss the event and the impact of TVET in Myanmar.

The TVET Symposium is just one of several activities within the SEAQE/TVET ‘Strengthening Education Access, Quality and Equity in South East Myanmar’ project, ADRA Myanmar’s largest project located in Hpa-an, Kayin State.
Written By: Emma McCrow, Communications Officer
Photo: © 2016 ADRA Myanmar | Emma McCrow