'Breaking Barriers, Improving Girls' Education, Hope and Totality'
The BRIGHT project aims to improve equitable education outcomes for vulnerable girls and women living in targeted and conflict areas of Myanmar. This will be achieved by;
– Increasing community led actions in breaking multi-dimensional barriers to gender equal education
– Improving the availability of inclusive and innovative gender and climate responsive quality education systems.
– Increased access to gender-responsive, environment-sensitive, market-driven learning opportunities for livelihood skills, among vulnerable OOS girls and women.
The BRIGHT project is a multi-country project, with projects in Sudan, Niger and Myanmar. In Myanmar, the project is implemented in 70 villages located in 14 catchment townships: Taunggyi, Hsihseng, Pekon, Pin Laung, Lashio, Tangyan, Namtu, Hsipaw, Kutkai, Hpruso, Loikaw, Hpasawang, Mese and Bawlake of 3 States, Southern and Northern Shan and Kayah.
The BRIGHT project is funded by the Government of Canada and is being implemented through a consortium led by ADRA Canada and it’s partners (Canada’s Salanga; International partners ADRA Norway and Stromme Foundation; and implementing partner ADRA Myanmar).
Direct Beneficiaries
Million USD Budget
Months Duration
partners & donors