SCAIDP III Project Orientation

From June 26-28 2017, project orientation was held in Myitkyina, Kachin State for the start of the third phase in the SCAIDP ‘Supporting Conflict Affected IDPs in Kachin State Project’.

ADRA Myanmar support staff including Programs Director Derek Glass, Finance & Administration Director Herinjanahary Henrisse and Program Coordinator Cing Sawn Lun attended the orientation to lead discussions on the projects key activities to be implemented and the general running of the project.

SCAIDP III Program Officer Hkawn Din and Internal Auditor/Controller Saw Ka Paw Htoo also facilitated discussions on project activities and finance.

Staff looked at previous project reports, proposals and budget lines from the first two phases of the project and compared them to the current third phase updating templates and looking in detail at the new logframe.

The SCAIDP III project aims to improve WASH conditions and provide cash transfers and multi purpose grants for IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) and vulnerable households living in IDP camps to show a continuation of our work in Myanmar’s Northern Kachin State which is a conflict state.

Written By: Emma McCrow, Communications Officer

Photo: © 2017 ADRA Myanmar | Saw Ka Paw Htoo