ADRA Myanmar Bids Farewell to Country Director and HR Advisor
ADRA Myanmar bids farewell to our Country Director, Vitalie, and Ramona, the HR Advisor, with a sadness heart.

Saw Moo’s Journey to Elevate Education
Saw Moo, a dedicated primary teacher at Meh Thaw Hkee Primary School, lives in Bu Tho Township. Rise from a simple family background that relies

Bringing Happiness through a Gravity-Fed Water Supply System
The story of 23-year-old Naw Phaw, whose life in Kayin State was comsumed with finding water. She is living with her family in Hlaingbwe Township, Kayin State.

Ma Wai’s Story: Vocational Training to Empower Women in Kayin State
My name is Ma Wai, and I am living with my family in Hpa-An Township. In our family, we have five family members.

Global Youth Day 2023
The Seventh Day Adventist Church and ADRA Myanmar were celebrating together the Global Youth Day activity on March 18, 2023. This year’s Global Youth Day, with the theme “Love is a Verb,” was held in Yangon and young people reach out and serve in the community.

Nu Nu’s Story: Vocational Education Support in Northern Shan State
Nu Nu is one of the students from vocational training in batch 9 of the VESI project, funded by LIFT.

Soe Moe’s Story: Promoting Vocational Skills for Young People in Kayin State
My name is Soe Moe, and our family works on a farm for our livelihood.

Ma Nang Shwe’s Story: Improving Teacher Training
A teacher, Ma Nan Shwe is from Tangyan Township, Shan State. She is 18 years old, and she has four family members.

Naw Paw’s Story: Education Support for Community Teachers
21-year old teacher Naw Paw, currently teaching lower and upper primary grades in Kayin State.

Sinthia’s Story: Building A Better Learning Environment
9 year old Naw Sinthia, currently attending Grade 3, lives in a one of the village, Hlaing Bwe Township, Kayin State.

Daw Naw Oo’s Story: Transforming a Family’s Life
62 year old Daw Naw Oo is an IDP living in a relocation internally displaced person camp in Kayin State. She has eight family members, and one son is disabled.

Daw Aye Mu’s Story: Clean Water Changes Lives in Kayin State
44 year old Daw Aye Mu from Kayin State has one son and two daughters. Since her husband passed away, life has been difficult. She works hard to support her children by doing casual work.

Ngun Thang’s Story: Building A New Agricultural Future
30 years old, Ngun Thang, who lives in Matupi Township, Southern Chin State, is a Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) farmer, cultivating his two acres of SALT farmland.

Saw Thein Soe’s Story: Safe Water Supports the Community’s Healthy Lifestyle
Saw Thein Soe is 29 years old and is one of the IDPs who have benefited from the Unicef-supported project in Kayin State. He lives with his wife and son at the camp.

Nang San Noon’s Story: Growing Mushrooms in Northern Shan State
17 years old, Nang San Noon is living in Lashio Township, Northern Shan State. She has 4 family members, and her parents are working as farmers for their livelihood.

Saw Hein’s Story: Supporting Vocational Training in Kayin State
Saw Hein is the sixth son of 12 siblings having 14 family members altogether. To earn an income, his family grows seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Myint Myint’s Story: Dreams Come True through Vocational Training Support for Youth
25 year old Myint Myint comes from a simple family. With six family members, her parents’ primary livelihood has been farming.

Chan Loung’s Story: “Learning Through Play” Principles Transform Communities in Northern Shan State
My name is Chan Loung and I am 22-years old. I am living with my family in Northern Shan State.

Bhone Pyae’s Story: Vocational Support in Karen State
Bhone Pyae Aung works as a barber for their living now. His life began to change dramatically. He grew up as the second son of four siblings.

Sai Zar Lu’s Story: TEES Teacher Giving Children Hope and a Future
A TEES teacher, Sai Zar Lu is from Tangyan Township, Northern Shan State. He is 22 years old and he has two siblings.

U Man Tin’s Story: Support for Sustainable Livelihood in the Chin Hills
My name is U Man Tin and I currently live in Chin state. There are seven members in my family and three of my children are currently enrolled in elementary school. I own four acres of farm on which I grow elephant foot yam and corn.

Aung Aung’s Story: Youth Receives Vocational Education Support
Mg Aung Aung grew up with his parents and siblings. He is the 17 years old and eldest son of their siblings and has five family members.

Naw Htoo’s Story: NFE Program Sees Return of Out of School Children
28 year old Naw Htoo is a wonderful teacher for her students. She has two brothers; one sister and her parents work on a farm to support them.

U Saw’s Story: ADRA Supports School Construction in Kayin State
“Since the school construction was finished, it has been very helpful for me in teaching and increased safety for the children. Now we have sufficient rooms and enough furniture.”

U Thang’s Story: Agricultural Exposure Trip Benefits Chin-Based Coffee Farmer
“I have had failed attempts in the previous nursery. But, as I ask for answers to my problems from farmers and managers I had the privilege of meeting during the trip, I now can successfully do coffee breeding nursery on my own.”

Vocational Training Centre Construction Brings Education Opportunities to Kayin State
Interview with VT(Vocational Training) School Committee Leader, Saw Pu Khar.

Saw Htee Kuh Wah’s Story: No one can Steal your Knowledge or Understanding
Learning is a lifelong process. I love to learn. It’s a great opportunity for me to learn different methods and strategies of how to upgrade our teachers and classroom models.

Daw N Lum Bawk Mai’s Story: Cash Assistance Provides Education Support to IDP Families
43 year old Daw N Lum Bawk Mai is mother to 4 children. When conflict broke out in June 2011, Daw N Lum Bawk Mai, her husband, and their 4 children left their property and belongings behind to escape to the Chinese border with their parents in law.

U Khung Mang’s Story: Corn Planting in Lungkar Supports Livelihoods
My name is U Khung Mang and I currently live in Lungkar village, Resaw Tract, Matupi Township. There are 6 members in my family. One of my children is still in middle school, and the rest work as farmers like me.

ELS2: Remaining IDP Beneficiaries Receive Cash Assistance for Education
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and ADRA Czech Republic funded ELS2 ‘Education and Livelihood Support II’ project, has completed the planned cash distributions in IDP (Internally Displaced Person) camps in Kachin State.

ADVOCACY: Meeting with Communities to Discuss Out-of-School Children and the Mobilization of Non-Government Teachers
The ADRA International funded ADVOCACY project in partnership with the Myanmar Union Mission, has recently been conducting meetings with community representatives from 5 villages in Mon State, Tanintharyi Region and Kayin State.

ELS2: Antar Causeway Construction Increases Access to Water in Magway Region
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and ADRA Czech Republic funded ELS2 ‘Education and Livelihood Support II’ project, recently constructed a causeway near Antar Village in Magway Region through the cooperation of the local community. The causeway, 90 ft in length, 24ft wide and 2.4ft high, is estimated to hold a minimum capacity of 1,000,000 gallons of water.

Desludging Activities Improve Hygiene in IDP Camps in Kachin
Due to overpopulation in some of the IDP camps in Kachin State, WASH facilities, including toilets, are often insufficient to service the number of people. With toilets overflowing, the risk of disease remains high and the potential for water contamination. “We can solve this problem for IDPs. This natural fertilizer is beneficial for the whole country. It brings benefits. Thank you to ADRA for the support.”

Seng Pri’s Story: Former Medical Student Turned IDP still Believes in the Value of Education
“Education is very important to our family. I want my children to be educated. My mother also knows education is very important.”

Daw Hkawn Tawng’s Story: Supporting IDP Families through Cash Assistance for Education
Before the conflict, Daw Hkawn Tawng owned walnuts, trees and a tea leaf garden. She is 50 years old living with her husband and their four children in Wu Htau, Sadung township. When her children passed Grade Four, they were sent to their relatives from her mother’s side in Waing Maw to continue their education. Their life was happy and simple.

U Kawi Yah’s Story: Vulnerable Families Receive Food Rations and Hygiene Kits in Response to COVID-19
In response to COVID-19, and to mitigate risks of a potential outbreak, the local government in Chin State conducted risk assessments and followed national guidelines by imposing strict travel restrictions. In doing so, this caused socio-economic consequences, as it has across the world, critically affecting vulnerable populations and steepening their descent into poverty.

Daw Nang Sam’s Story: Supporting IDP Families through Cash Assistance for Education
“Because of the money, I cried for joy. It helped my children’s needs for School. I could buy school uniforms and cover their study fees.” Before the conflict, Daw Nang Sam worked with her husband earning a stable income from their grocery store, small movie theatre and raising goats in their home village.

SURE: Farmer Field School (FFS) Training
This month, the MFAT and ADRA New Zealand funded SURE project conducted Farmer Field School (FFS) Training for 75 farmers in 8 project villages.

Daw Daw Uh’s Story: Vulnerable Families Receive Food Rations and Hygiene Kits in Response to COVID-19
In response to COVID-19, and to mitigate risks of a potential outbreak, the local government in Chin State conducted risk assessments and followed national guidelines by imposing strict travel restrictions.

SEAQE2 Project Distributes Hygiene Kits in Response to COVID-19
On 12 October 2020, the Norad and ADRA Norway funded SEAQE2 project participated in a distribution of prevention based hygiene kits and awareness raising for the Pre-International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in response to COVID-19.

ADRA Myanmar Welcomes New Country Director
ADRA Myanmar officially welcomes new Country Director, Vitalie Zegera and his wife Ramona who will serve as HR Advisor. German nationals Vitalie and Ramona commenced work on 1 October 2020 and are currently awaiting their visas to enter Myanmar, COVID-19 permitting.

Daw Nuing Kyi’s Story: Weaving Transforms Lives of Female Household in Chin State
“Everything has changed. When I was young, I depended on my parents. But now I am the head of household for my family.”

VESI: Labour Market and COVID-19 Impact Assessments Virtual Launch
Today, the LIFT (Livelihoods and Food Security Fund) funded VESI project, in partnership with AVSI and FRC (Finnish Refugee Council), virtually launched the ‘Labour Market & COVID-19 Impact Assessments to Inform Vocational Education and Decent Work Opportunities for Youth in Kachin and Northern Shan States’.

Ma Pauk Lau’s Story: Disabled IDP Youth Receives Support through Cash Assistance
I want to go back to my home. I don’t know when I will go back home. I don’t want to run again, I am afraid.

SURE: Establishing Coffee Nurseries in Keilung
A key activity in the MFAT and ADRA New Zealand funded SURE project has revolved around cultivating community nurseries in target villages such as Lungngo, Sempi, Balei and Vawti by providing technical support and materials to local farmers.

Yaw Mai Pursues His Dream of Owning a Motorbike Repair Shop
Yaw Mai is one of 74 selected young IDPs and one of two persons with disabilities who participated in the VESI Project

Daw Ngun Cawi’s Story: Supporting Female Headed Households through Savings & Loans Groups
The project has been very effective for us. It is very useful for someone who has no husband, like me.

ADRA Myanmar Bids Farewell to Country Director and Family
It is with sadness that today ADRA Myanmar says farewell to our Country Director Claudio, his wife and former M&E Coordinator Brenda and their 2 children.

Nan Sanay Ma’s Story: TVET Training Brings Hope to Disabled Youth
Nan Sanay Ma is from Kawt Pran village. She is the sixth daughter of eight siblings. Of the siblings, she was the only one born without both legs.

ADRA Myanmar Office’s Begin to Reopen
As restrictions are easing in Myanmar and the number of COVID-19 cases are decreasing, ADRA Myanmar has approved for certain offices to reopen.