When crisis strikes, urgent resources are ready, and often prepositioned, to reach areas in need as quickly as possible through ADRA’s global network and partners. Funds, materials, and personnel are coordinated through ADRA’s country offices nearest to the disaster so plans can be put into action immediately and appropriate relief supplies reach the areas hardest hit.
ADRA Myanmar responds to humanitarian needs of people in Myanmar by coordinating with UN-OCHA, UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Relief and Resettlement on emergency assessment and response to incidences of flooding, landslides, earthquakes, cyclones and other natural disasters. The ADRA National Emergency Management Plan (NEMP) enables rapid mobilization of teams and resources to respond to humanitarian needs and gaps.
Did you Know?
Emergencies can mean anything from natural disasters, famine and more. For these, Asia is considered at high risk not just geographically, but particularly because millions of people are already living below the poverty line.
Here are some of the ways that we’re helping to reach those in need:
– Providing cash assistance through unconditional cash transfers and multi-purpose grants to vulnerable households and those with disabilities
– Employing cash for work programs to enable rehabilitation of community infrastructure and access to income earning opportunities
– Constructing and repairing water and sanitation facilities post disaster for displaced communities and camps
– Supporting communities in recovery of their livelihoods through emergency food security and livelihood (EFSL) activities
– Strengthening the humanitarian development peace nexus in protracted settings by aligning development and humanitarian programming to improve education, health and livelihoods
– Reducing risks and increasing resilience of communities to cope with climate change and natural disasters
– Enhancing inclusion and participation in national transformation processes and economic growth
– Developing desludging treatment facilities to safely dispose of waste
– Introducing gender awareness and WASH trainings and encouraging participation of women in community meetings and decision-making
The SCAIDP project funded by Global Affairs Canada and ADRA Canada, worked to increase access to safe drinking water and improve hygiene and sanitation practices in 48 IDP camps as well as increase safe and dignified access to goods and services critical to the survival and wellbeing of vulnerable households through cash assistance. The SCAIDP project ran for 5 consecutive phases over 5 years reaching more than 22,930 beneficiaries in Kachin and Northern Shan States.
The MFAP project funded by Global Affairs Canada and ADRA Canada, provided support to 2,250 households with cash for work, 1,100 households with unconditional cash transfers and 1,000 households with shelter assistance to assist those affected by the 2015 Myanmar Flood Crisis that caused widespread flooding leaving 1.1 million people displaced and destroying agricultural land. The MFAP project ran for 7 months reaching 22,800 beneficiaries with a total USD budget of $645,000 in one of the worst hit areas of Kalay in Sagaing Region.