TVET Symposium
On the 12-14th September 2016, ADRA Myanmar hosted a TVET Symposium funded and supported by ADRA Norway, Caritas Norge, Digni, Stromme Foundation, DTVE, NORAD, ACTED, Finnish Refugee Council and Swiss Contact.

Desludging Reduces Disease in IDP Camps
Years of intense conflict within the Kachin and Shan States resulted in thousands of casualties causing damage to infrastructure and inducing the displacement of civilians, majority of which are women, children and the elderly.

Thein Paing’s Story: Pilot Project Brings Hope to the Dryzone
Thein Paing and his family have lived for generations in Myanmar’s Central Dryzone, an area that today is on the brink of desertification causing food insecurity and deepening poverty.

SEAQE School Handover Ceremony
ADRA Myanmar’s education based SEAQE, ‘Strengthening Education Access, Quality and Equity in South-East Myanmar’ project funded and supported by ADRA Norway and NORAD, recently completed the construction of two new school buildings for villages in Hlaing Bwe Township located outside Hpa-an within the Kayin State.

ADRA Myanmar Welcomes New Country Director
Since the departure of former Country Director Brendon Irvine last year, ADRA Myanmar has been in the capable hands of Programs Director, Derek Glass acting as Interim Country Director until a new Country Director could be secured.

Myanmar Flood Crisis, 9 Months On
Elizabeth Tomenko, ADRA International’s Emergency Programs Assistant reports on her recent visit to Kalay in the Sagaing Region and up in the Chin Hills visiting the project sites of ADRA Myanmar’s emergency response to the 2015 Myanmar Flood Crisis:

Renovating Schools in Laibwe
Education is one of the key tools in any kind of development. Those who have been lucky enough to have been provided an education will tell you that there is a difference between someone who has had the opportunity and someone who hasn’t.

‘El Nino’ Set to Hit Myanmar Hard in 2016
You may have heard the term floating around recently by ‘climate’ prediction centres, but ‘El Nino’ is set to hit Myanmar harder than most this year.

Shelter Kits for Kalay
Each shelter kit included a waterproof tarpaulin, knife, rope, and mosquito net benefitting 933 families across 19 villages over 5 days in late September and early October.

Veranda Cafe Unites Youth of Hpa-An
Shining beacon of the KCB III (Youth Mobilisation and Capacity Building in South-East Phase III) project, the Veranda Youth Community Cafe serves as a western styled hub for local youth and tourists alike to enjoy local and international cuisine as well as the opportunity to participate in organised activities

MFR Project Assists 2015 Flood Victims
40 year old widow, Daw Hla Hla Win living with her 2 sons and daughters within the village of Hnaw Nyaung Pyin located 30 minutes drive by motorbike from Kalaymyo, are just one of several thousands of families affected by the Cyclone Komen produced flooding in 2015.

ADRA Canada Visits Flood Affected Areas
In early September, Executive Director of ADRA Canada James Astleford, visited the ADRA Myanmar office as well as various villages devastated by Cyclone Komen within the Sagaing Region in North-Western Myanmar.

Flood Crisis: Myanmar Ravaged by Cyclone Komen
Making landfall in July 2015, Cyclone Komen coupled with heavy monsoonal rain ravaged its way across the diverse landscape of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. Causing severe landslides and flooding and affecting 12 of 14 states and regions, it resulted in one of the worst natural disasters seen within Myanmar’s borders.

My Gambling Addiction
A lack of education and necessary skills left Tin Tin Aye hailing from Hpa-an within the Kayin State, Myanmar living within limited means.

My Hobby Saved Me and My Family
For Ei Shwe Zin living in Hpa-an, Kayin State, Myanmar, learning how to sew garments for sale is not just a hobbie, but a way of life.

Sesame Seeds Change Gangaw
Daw Phyu Phyu Aye, 30 years old and living in An Tar, Gangaw grows sesame seeds – you know the small beige coloured flat tear drops that westerners sprinkle on top of sausage rolls or the crusts of bread?

For Every Mother in the World
For a mother, whether she be an Eskimo living in an igloo in Siberia, a Yanomami woman living in a shared ‘shabono’ with the rest of her native tribe in the Amazon or a ‘stay at home mum’ living in a suburban house in Connecticut, for any mother in any country the education of her children and their wellbeing is a top priority.

Agriculture Creates Food Security
To the central west of Myanmar there is a district called Gangaw nestled at the top of the Magway region bordering the Chin State.

Pig Farming – Not Just a Messy Business
Often associated with the colour pink, snorting, sticky mud, the smell of rotting garbage, flat noses and curly tails, pigs are not exactly everyone’s idea of an ideal pet, but for 29 year old U Phong Kaw in the village of Nabung

The PRICE of Rice
Rice – the staple diet of Asia. Taken for granted by the western world where prices rarely fluctuate and where the constant supply of tiny white granules packed hygienically into sealed bags arranged neatly on dust free shelves for sale at any local convenient grocery store

The PRICE of Being a Widow
As a widow living within a patriarchal society, life can be difficult for 37 year old Daw Tin Khin from the village Let Wea Kone within the district of Gangaw.

Monsoonal Tree Planting Ceremony
ADRA Myanmar is implementing in Labutta, Ayeyarwaddy, three-year LIFT-funded project, namely the Sustainable Community Alternative Livelihood Enhancement to Undermine Poverty (SCALE UP) Project

Flood in Hpa-An
The intermittent rain in the Hlaingbwe Township and surrounding areas has lasted for about 4 days, from Friday (26/07/2013) mid-afternoon until Monday evening (29/07/2013).

Meiktila Response
On 20 March 2013, a small local dispute between several individuals in Meiktila town of Mandalay Region (state) in Myanmar escalated on 21 March 2013 into communal clashes between the Buddhist and Muslim communities.

Young Girl with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) Benefits from Project
A young girl suffering from Myelodysplastic Syndrome, also known as MDS, attended training in producing handicrafts conducted by a project managed by ADRA Myanmar in Nwar Da Ma Village, Nyaung Shwe Township, within the Southern Shan State in Myanmar.