SURE: Thriving Nurseries
The SURE project has made efforts to develop nurseries in 6 villages. With lockdown and travel restrictions imposed following the outbreak of COVID-19 in Myanmar, it has been impossible to visit the nurseries and monitor their progress.

Kawt Phaung: Constructing Schools for Improved Learning Environments
“We have benefitted greatly. Before we couldn’t do activities in the old school building. In this new building, we can do anything. We can create more.”

SURE Project Distributes Food Rations in Response to COVID-19
Thanks to a reallocation of funds, the SURE project has provided emergency food rations of rice, cooking oil and beans in Myanmar’s Northern Chin State.

Daw Zar Zar Naing’s Story: Preparing for Healthy Pregnancies in Kayin State
My name is Daw Zar Zar Naing, I am 35 years old living in Ka Di Kan Village with my husband and our three daughters. In 2012 we moved to this area in Hlaingbwe Township, Kayin State. I was recently pregnant and hoping to give birth to a healthy baby.

Nang Kham Mart’s Story: ESE Events Connect Community to Education
TEES teacher and youth leader Nang Kham Mart is 26 years old from Nar Ngwe village, Lashio, Northern Shan State.

PRICE Project Responds to COVID-19 in Chin State
Since COVID-19 broke out in Myanmar, ADRA Myanmar’s projects have had to adapt to changing situations as restrictions are put in place.

SEAQE2 Project Responds to COVID-19 in Myanmar
Since COVID-19 began spreading to countries around the globe, ADRA has been working to ramp up its operations to respond to the highly infectious virus.

U Ho Ling’s Story: Life as an Elephant Foot Yam Farmer in the Chin Hills
My name is U Ho Ling and I am 52 years old from Siatalai village in the Chin Hills. I have 11 family members including 6 sons, but not all live here.

U Yaw Han’s Story: Life Post Conflict and Living with a Disability in an IDP Camp
Before the conflict, I was working as a farmer and living together with my wife and our two sons in our home village in Kachin State. We had already lost our youngest son in January 2018 to throat cancer at 19 years of age.

ADRA Myanmar Offices Closing Temporarily due to COVID-19
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and to minimise potential risks, all ADRA Myanmar offices including the Head Office in Yangon and all Project Offices (Lashio, Hpa-an, Pyin Oo Lwin and Gangaw), will be closing effective 23 March 2020.

The EU and Member States Visit CASE2Learn Project in Myanmar
On Tuesday, 28th January 2020, the EU Ambassador and EU Member States’ Ambassadors and Heads of Mission resident in Myanmar, met together with ADRA Administration and Program staff from the Asia Regional Office, Norway, Thailand and Myanmar.

‘Every Child Everywhere’ Advocacy Petition Signing at Myanmar Plaza
Yesterday, ADRA Myanmar, in partnership with the Myanmar Union Mission, launched a petition signing event for the global Advocacy Campaign “Every Child, Everywhere, In School” at Myanmar Plaza

Daw Htu Bu’s Story: Educating our Children living in an IDP Camp
My name is Daw Htu Bu and I am 48 years old living in Shwe Zet IDP (Internally Displaced Person) Camp. I have seven family members and 5 children.

VESI Project Kicks Off with an Orientation Workshop
Yesterday on the 24 October 2019, the ‘Vocational Education to Support IDPs and Host Communities’ or VESI project was launched at Summit Park View Hotel, Yangon for an orientation workshop.

SURE: Orchid Nursery Pilot Project Activity Promotes Sustainable Development
In Myanmar’s Northern Chin State, common and rare orchids grow well naturally due to fair weather conditions and can be found spread all over the State.

CASE2Learn Launch and Orientation
This week, the CASE2Learn project was launched at the Hilton Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw on the 3 September 2019 with orientation for the project following til the 5 September.

35th Anniversary Gala & ‘Every Child, Everywhere, In School’ Launch
ADRA Myanmar celebrates 35 years of service to the people of Myanmar since 1984 by holding a special Gala dinner for staff, partners, donors and Government representatives on the 30 May 2019 at Summit Parkview Hotel in Yangon.

Farewell to our Programs Director
On the 27th May 2019, Yangon staff held a farewell lunch for Derek Glass our Programs Director in our head office.

CASE+: RISE Baseline Report Launch
Yesterday, 23 May 2019, ADRA Myanmar along with CASE+ project partner RISE, hosted a meeting at Summit Parkview Hotel in Yangon. The purpose was to launch the presentation of 2 baseline reports completed on Out of School Children and Teaching and Learning.

Lway Arm Saw Hlaing’s Story: TEES Teacher Educates Marginalised Ta’ang
23 year old Lway Arm Saw Hlaing comes from Namkhan Township. Despite her parents’ disapproval of her idea to become a TEES teacher, Lway Arm Saw Hlaing was determined to educate children in the remote marginalized Ta’ang community.

Gender Equality Training Kickstart for Yangon Staff
On Friday, 10 May 2019, Yangon staff from ADRA Myanmar participated in Gender Equality training conducted by Gender Specialist Diana Opollo from ADRA Canada.

Staff Retreat 2019
Each year, ADRA Myanmar staff from both the field and support office, join together for a capacity building based staff retreat. This year we went international and travelled to Bangkok, Thailand staying at the Avani Atrium Hotel from 10-14 March.

ADRA International Launches Official Rebrand
During an ADRA network meeting hosted in Jordan over the last few weeks with Country Directors and other ADRA staff in attendance from different offices around the globe, ADRA International launched the official rebrand of ADRA.

Naw Lwan’s Story: Orange Farmer Turned IDP
In 2011 when the conflict started in my home village Kasoo up in Myanmar’s Northern Kachin State, we would hide in the church until things quietened down and we could return home again.

Farewell to our Finance & Administration Director
Last week, we said farewell to Herinjanahary Fleur Henrisse (Hery) our Finance & Administration Director. We commemorated the event by holding a farewell luncheon at the Corriander Leaf in Yangon with Head Office staff in attendance.

Tailor at the Banyantree
It’s a mother who has to tell Naw Paw Wah’s story. The young girl cannot tell it herself because she is deaf and was asked to leave school the same year she began.

SEAQE: ToT’s Complete Training at Technical Colleges in Maesot & Tak, Thailand
Graduation ceremonies were held for GTHS (Government Technical High School) teachers who underwent ToT training (Training of Teachers), an activity of ADRA Myanmar’s SEAQE-TVET project in Thailand last week on the 28 May 2018.

HR Competency Framework Training by ADRA International
Korey Dowling, Vice President of People & Culture from ADRA International, visited ADRA Myanmar to conduct ‘HR Competency Framework Training’ for select staff over 3 days (May 14-16 2018) in Summit Parkview Hotel.

SHARE: Health Clinic Constructed in Htee Klay Village Tract
On 27 February 2018, an opening ceremony was held for a newly constructed health clinic in Htee Klay Village Tract, Kayin State as apart of the SHARE ‘Support for Health Access in Remote Ethnic Areas’ project funded and supported by GBG Fund for Global Development and HELP International.

SEAQE: ADRA Norway Films Stories of GTHS Graduates
Last week 4-9 February 2018, Gry Haugen, Communications Director from ADRA Norway, and Frank Spangler, Communications Specialist from ADRA Canada (on assignment for ADRA Norway), visited the SEAQE-TVET project in Hpa-an, Kayin State to collect and film stories of graduates from the short course program at GTHS Hpaan (Government Technological Highschool).

Hpauhki Bawk Lu’s Story: Flexible Cash Grants Benefit IDPs
As Hpauhki Bawk Lu cooks Naw Hpu, a local Soya Bean with her two-year-old son Zaw Ja Aung, the youngest of eight, she reminisces how her family were forced to flee their home 5 years ago on Christmas Day when fighting broke out.

SEAQE: TVET Closing Ceremony Batch #3
On Monday, 11 September 2017 the TVET component in the SEAQE project facilitated a Closing Ceremony for Batch#3 graduates of the short course program at GTHS Hpaan.

Naw Eh Mwei Phaw’s Story: Kitchen Gardens Boost Nutrition Rates
In Myanmar’s South Eastern Kayin State, children and pregnant mothers suffer from malnutrition and access to proper health services. 17% of 1.5 million people living in the Kayin State fall below the poverty line.

Ma Htet Htet Win’s Story: Pregnant and in Breech in Rural Myanmar
18 year old and pregnant Ma Htet Htet Win attended the antenatal clinic in Kwan Tar sub rural area in December 2016 with her husband U Tun Aye, a farmer.

SEAQE: Youth Skills for Development Symposium
On the 19th July 2017, ADRA Myanmar’s SEAQE-TVET project was invited to participate in the first ‘Youth Skills for Development’ symposium in honour of the UN designated ‘World Youth Skills Day’ to raise awareness about the importance of skills development for youth.

Julie’s Story: Using Her Passion to Open a School
In Yang Mai village located in Mongkhet Township, Shan State, locals rely on farming for their livelihood. No schooling or facilities were available so children were unable to have access to an education or learning materials.

SCAIDP III Project Orientation
From June 26-28 2017, project orientation was held in Myitkyina, Kachin State for the start of the third phase in the SCAIDP ‘Supporting Conflict Affected IDPs in Kachin State Project’.

SEAQE: GTHS TVET Opening Ceremony & Second President of Myanmar Visit
The recently constructed TVET building at GTHS (Government Technical HighSchool) in Hpaan hosted an opening ceremony on June 21-22 2017.

AEON: Sar Phyu Su School Opening Ceremony in Taikkyi
On the 29th March 2017 the AEON project, funded and supported by AEON 1% Club Foundation and ADRA Japan, held an opening ceremony for a recently constructed basic education primary school in Chauk Ein Tan Village, Taikkyi Township, Yangon Division.

Nationwide Coordination & Project Review Meeting
ADRA Myanmar hosted a ‘Nationwide Coordination and Project Review Meeting’ for select ADRA Myanmar staff to discuss and update on our current projects and their activities, finance, HR, monitoring plans, filing systems, project assets and exit plans, challenges/opportunities, coordination/positioning, and PR and communications.

SHARE: HELP International Visits Health Clinic Construction
ADRA Myanmar’s latest health project SHARE ‘Support for Health Access in Remote Areas’ funded and supported by HELP International and Global Benefits Group (GBG) and located within the Kayin State, has begun construction on 2 health clinics.

NORAD Monitors SEAQE’s TVET Program
NORAD Civil Development Advisors, Ashild and Tove, recently conducted a monitoring trip in Myanmar’s SouthEastern Kayin State from May 14-16 2017.

Jin Nyu’s Story: An Opportunity to Learn
Jin Nyu is 10 years old from Hopong Township, Shan State. This year she was able to go to school for the first time. Some of the boys in her village were able to go out of the village to the Monastery for an education, but like all the other girls in her village, she had to stay with her family.

U Thet Pyin’s Story: Clean Water Changes Chaung Gwa Village
My name is U Thet Pyin and I am 65 years old living with 7 family members in Chaung Gwa village, Pakokku in Myanmar’s Central Dryzone. Our family’s main livelihood is dryland farming though my children are all either studying in town or working as migrant workers in the bigger cities in Myanmar leaving only myself, my wife and my mother in law to do the work.

Saw Than Lwin’s Story: Don’t Play with Fireworks
After playing with fireworks intended for use in fish mining in Kyaw Kee Koh village in Mepara, Saw Than Lwin received serious facial burns and injuries to his hands after a firework exploded in his face.

SURE Project Orientation
The SURE ‘Sustainable Rural Economic Development’ project funded and supported by ADRA New Zealand and MFAT, held orientation for project staff from the 16th – 19th January 2017 in Gangaw, Magway Region.

Textbooks Improve Learning for Htee Poe Wai
Htee Poe Wai (Community Self Supported School) is situated somewhere between Kyar Inn Seik Gyi and Bayar Thone Hsue (Three Pagodas). It is only accessible by boat in the raining season but in dryer season (winter and summer), it’s reachable by motorbike.

Daw Hung San’s Story: Flood Victim Yields Patheinnygo Crops
In Voklak village in Myanmar’s northwestern Chin State, Daw Hung San and her family were victims of the 2015 Myanmar Flood Crisis that caused widespread flooding and landslides inundating fields and damaging homes.

Jmuk’s Story: IDP Mother’s Daughter Suffers Malnutrition
Rich in natural resources and the second largest country in SouthEast Asia, Myanmar is surprisingly one of the worlds least developed countries where more than one quarter of the local population live below the poverty line.

Wan Kein Shai Village Opens First School
Initially formed during the Pagan Kingdom before falling to Mongol invaders after 1287, the Shan State in Myanmar’s North-East has suffered from centuries of conflict between several ethnic groups and armies.